Thursday 13rd June from 4pm to 8pm about ten producers from Switzerland  will be pouring their award-winning wine from Mondial des Merlots 2024, as well as a second wine of their choice.

All the wines of the Merlot family are represented at this event. If you love Merlot wines this event is for you !

The event will be held from 4pm to 8pm im Zunfthaus zur Meisen at Zurich. The entrance is free.

An exclusive selection of Swiss cheeses will be served with these exceptional wines.


  • Paolo Basso
  • Azienda Vitivinicola Giromit
  • Fumagalli Vini
  • Gialdi Vini
  • Cantina di Urs Hauser
  • Terres de Molignon
  • Vini Rovio Ronco
  • Chai du Baron
  • Chiodi Ascona
  • Cantine Guidossi
  • l’Orpailleur
  • Azienda Mondò
  • Colline de Daval

Free admission with online sign up.

Registrations: Online ticketing  or by email at


Thursday June 13rd 2024, 4pm – 8pm

Zunfthaus zur Meisen – Grosser Zunftsaal, Münsterhof 20, CH-8001 Zürich

How to get there
Tram 2, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13 stop Paradeplatz
15 minutes walk from the SBB station